Tag Archives: creative prompt

Creative Questions

30 Apr

Image: hypperridedesign

Club Creative Studio has pressing questions for you today: What is your recipe for making your concoction of creative juice?  Do you have a secret combination of ingredients that jump-start your creative process? Is it just the right amount of mood, skill, talent and forces that come together for successful thinking?  What is your secret weapon for creating the perfect storm of productivity? What makes a whirl-wind of constructive ideas flow for you?

Maybe one thing or a combination of several aspects make you more creative one day compared to the next.  For me, creative times come naturally.  It’s what I am interested in and have a passion about so it is second nature to want to be involved in the creative process in some form during my day.  It is also a conscious personal and business mantra: Be Creative Every Day.

With that being said, I would like to share the characteristics that I have noticed that answer the questions of creativity for me.  What can you add that also answers the general query: What makes your creativity flow?

C:    Catching random thoughts and using them in an artful constructive way

R:    Reaching beyond what is normal and reaching deeper than the surface to try something new

E:     Experimenting with different combinations of materials

A:     Acquiring new skills and allowing them to become second nature

T:    Taking my time to create and express what I want and need to

I:    Initial reactions gathered can be used for inspiration to jump-start creative thoughts

V:    Variety is the spice of life, so taking breaks help me stretch my focus longer

I:    Involve others and gain suggestions as insights for new prospectives

T:    Tossing aside what I think will not work too quickly might save me time, but does not provide creative growth

Y:    Yes, I did it!  Take pride in originality and success of another creative mission accomplished!

Ask yourself creative questions.

Thank you for adding your comments, I’d love to hear about what is making your creative time bomb tick!

Creative Leap

29 Feb

Take time on this extra day (leap day) to tap into your brilliant creativity. It is there just appreciate it…celebrate the sense of wonder…acknowledge that your creativity is at hand.

Tap into your ideas and inspirations and give your thoughts a second thought.   Yes, take time to think about what you are thinking.  Where will you leap with your creativity?  Change the way you think so that your mind works to your advantage.  Take steps to avoid the mental road blocks and worries that block productive positive thoughts and notions.

Many distractions can get in our way of our passions or our gut “feelings” in creativity. Take leaps to overcome what you are afraid of…change and the unknown. Experiment with creativity!  It is my personal mantra to Be Creative Every Day, for me it is possible and it is a daily attainable goal.  If you need a slight push for inspiration, look for what sparks you.

For some, it might not take a particular skill or talent to be creative.  It may be an action or a new way of thinking.  Enjoy a slice of creative thinking and try not to eat too much paste.

Innovation at Hewlett-Packard

HP’s philosophy for fostering an environment for creativity and innovation:
Rules of the garage:
Believe you can change the world.

Work quickly, keep the tools unlocked, work whenever.

Know when to work alone and when to work together.

Share – tools, ideas.

Trust your colleagues.

No politics.

No bureaucracy. (These are ridiculous in a garage.)

The customer defines a job well done.

Radical ideas are not bad ideas.

Invent different ways of working.

Make a contribution every day.

If it doesn’t contribute, it doesn’t leave the garage.

Believe that together we can do anything.


-1999 HP Annual Report