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>Remember To Breathe

28 Dec

>It has been a great year of creative growth and there are new ideas in store for the upcoming year.  Creating Art That Sets You Apart continues to be the main focus of Club Creative Studio art.  What is your mantra for the new creative year?

As the creative year of 2010 ends, remember to breathe a sigh of relief.  Do you remember the relief  you felt as you made it through creative road blocks?  Recall the relief you felt when you worked through a specific creative problem. 

                                   Just breathe!

For me, whenever a creative problem arises, my first gut reaction is fear.  I am afraid that the problem may not be able to be solved.  Then, the tables quickly turn to the natural reaction of thinking of the problem as a challenge.  Steps in solving the problem become the next chain of event process.  The problems may be due to technique or individual circumstances dealing with your art.  For example, there may have had a communication breakdown with a customer, or a missed  deadline.  Perhaps you promised too much in producing a custom piece of art or you made a costly miscalculation in material needs.  Have you ever tried a new product or technique and failed at the first attempt to gain the level of success you expected?  Whatever  road block you encountered in your creative endeavor, the adrenaline rush of fear may have halted your speed reaction to solve that problem.  What can you get in the habit of doing to make the alarm sound less blarring? Answer:  Breathe!

You may have heard that “counting to ten” when angry gives you the needed time to refocus your thoughts and actions.  The same can be said of stopping to take a deep breath.  This method can be a useful ( FREE) tool in your creative toolbox.  The shift will guide you from the threat and into the new focus challenge.  Just five to six deep breaths should make a difference.  You will find yourself becoming more creative and more effective.  You will find that your focus will change over from fear and threat of failure to the rush of excitement of getting back in charge of your creative situation.

Remember to breathe…
Thich Nhat Hanh has a lovely meditation to use while concentrating on your breathing:  ”Breathing in, I dwell deeply in the present moment; Breathing out, I know this is a wonderful moment.”

Make a promise to yourself in this new creative year to see your problems and take the needed pause.  Figure out how to solve or work around your creative road blocking circumstances.  Vow to not get too overwhelmed.  In 2011, I have decided to find other ways to move toward the goals that have intimidating solutions.  I will remember to breathe.  Will you join me?