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>My Round Table is Actually Rectangular

4 Jan


How do you suppose I consider my round table to also be rectangular?
Actually, I have a weekly encounter with my Round Table Discussion Group and we gather at a rectangular shaped table.
The group is made up of local business owners with an array of experiences and backgrounds.  The professionals gather to discuss business concerns, share insights and give valued opinions to each other on the topic at hand.
The time that I invest in the Round Table each week has served as an invaluable resource of usable knowledge, encouragement, support, connections and friendships.
I highly recommend that you consider taking steps to make connections with fellow local business owners.  You will attain a sense of pride and loyalty in the efforts of your community to include merchants within it.
During the meetings,  I can  pull information from a conversation and note an aspect that may apply to my specific needs.  Other times, I am just able to learn from what another  business has had to encounter in their field giving me an opportunity to be more sensitive.  No matter what the topic at hand is, I have come to enjoy spending time at my Round Table.
The tone set by our moderator is a mix of seriousness and light-hearted.  Everyone seems to feel comfortable to speak out, share, question and debate.  I have learned something each time I have participated in a meeting and I look forward to each Tuesday morning.  Although I do not consider myself to be a “morning person”, I make an effort once a week for this.